Press the red button
Press the red button

You’d have to be a bit daft to fall for the tricks, but they raise a smile and help to break up the boredom of waiting around with nothing to do – which is what really drives your real temptation to press the button. While you wait, every few minutes the game will throw up lots of humorous tricks to try and fool you into pressing the red button, such as telling you you’ve won the game, making the button gigantic or making it look like your character is dying. If you don’t push the red button then you don’t have a hell of a lot to do other than stand there, waiting to see what happens. Obviously this is a trick, as soon as you press the red button you fail the game, are given a button pressing ranking and have to start again. You start Don’t Push The Red Button alone, in a room with a single little red button and lots of ‘helpful’ advice in the form of signage and funny internet memes telling you in no uncertain terms to push the red button. Don’t Push The Red Button is a funny little game that trolls you in lots of sneaky ways, by placing you in a room and trying to get you to press the big red button in the middle of it!

Press the red button